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I am a fully qualified German lawyer and hold a doctorate in Private International Law and a postdoctoral qualification (Habilitation) in Private Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law. Since 2021 I have been teaching International Economic Law and Eastern European Law (focus: Russia and the Eurasian legal area) as a lecturer (Privatdozentin) at the University of Hamburg. In the years 2007-2018 I headed the competence center for Russia and other CIS countries at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg and specialized in law in the post-Soviet region. During this time I researched the transformation processes in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. Since 2019 I have been working as a freelance expert focusing on Russian, Ukrainian and Kazakh private and commercial law. Furthermore, my interests relate to the legal developments and regional integration of the states of the Eurasian legal space, as well as the legal, political and social development in Russia.

My services:


  • Expert opinions on Russian, Kazakh and Ukrainian law for courts and parties to lawsuits and arbitration, including Private International Law issues

  • Legal analysis on the development of Russian law

  • Services as a consultant for the post-Soviet area, especially in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development 

  • Arbitration

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PD Dr. Eugenia Kurzynsky-Singer

Expertise zum Recht im postsowjetischen Raum


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