Curriculum Vitae
1998-2001 Law studies at the University of Hamburg
2001 First State Examination (Erstes Juristisches Staatsexamen)
2004 Doctor iuris. Dissertation Topic: “Agency in the Conflict of Laws”, awarded by the Law Faculty of the University of Hamburg
2002-2006 Legal clerkship (Referendariat) in Hamburg
2006 Second State Examination (Zweites Juristisches Staatsexamen)
2007-2018 Senior research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Head of the Regional Unit for Russia and other CIS-Countries
2018 Postdoctoral qualification (Habilitation) for Private Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law. Dissertation topic: “The Transformation of Russian Property Law – A Comparative Analysis from the Perspective of German Law”
Since 2019 Independent expert and consultant on legal systems in post-Soviet countries
Since 2021 Lecturer (Privatdozentin) at the University of Hamburg
List of publications
List of speaking engagements
List of teaching engagements
Working session of an Uzbec delegation (Project on Administrative Procedure Law) Hamburg, 7.8.2019
Working seccion of the Turcmenian expert group, Ashgabad, 2015
Independent expert and consultant on legal systems in post-Soviet countries
Since 2019 self-employment
Since 2007 Providing expert opinions on Russian law, law of other CIS countries and Private International Law for courts and parties to a lawsuit
Research affiliations and teaching experience
Since 2021 Privatdozentin at the University of Hamburg
Teaching areas: international economic law and Eastern European law (focus: Russia and the Eurasian legal area). Lectures "Introduction into Russian law" with focus on public law, regional integration in the post-sowiet area and theoretical background of transformation of a legal system, and "Introduction into Russian private and economic law" with focus on application of Russian law by a German court, including related questions of German Civil Procedural Law, Private International Law, drafting of contracts, Compliance and Foreign Trade Law.
2020-2021 Teaching assignment at Law Faculty of Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, lectures on East European and Russian Law, lecture “German-Russian Legal Relationships in the Judicial Praxis”
Since 2020 Affiliation with the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), Georgia as visiting professor
Participation in editorial boards
Since 2021 at the Journal "Civilistika" (Russia)
Since 2020 at the Journal "Ius Privatum" (Ukraine)
Participation in legal development assistance projects
• Since 2015 Participation in IRZ legal development assistance projects
• Since 2010 Participation as a consultant in GIZ legal development assistance projects
2019 Project: "Promotion of the Rule of Law in Central Asia", Administrative Procedure Law of Uzbekistan
2015-2016 Project: "Promotion of the Rule of Law in Central Asia", Succession Law of Turkmenistan
Leading the efforts of local experts on the fourth volume of the commentary on the Civil Code of Turkmenistan (published 2020)
Workshops on German law for Turkmenian lawyers
2010-2011 Participation as a consultant in a GIZ legal development assistance project, which included counselling the Ukrainian government on privatisation questions in cooperation with local experts
Some research projects over the years 2007-2018
during my employment as a senior research fellow and the head of the Regional Unit for Russia and other CIS-Countries at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
2010-2018 Post-doctoral project (Habilitation) „Transformation der russischen Eigentumsordnung – Eine vergleichende Analyse aus der Sicht des deutschen Rechts“ [“The Transformation of Russian Property Law – A Comparative Analysis from the Perspective of German Law”]
The work comparatively analyses the notion of property in Russian law. The study examines the Russian conception of property with reference to the country’s legal culture, tracing the continuity of Russian legal thinking from the Tsarist empire to the current era and considering how this thinking has impacted the modern legal rules on property law.
The volume was published 2019 by the Mohr Siebeck Publishing House.
In 2018 the work was awarded the deutsch-russischer Juristenpreis.
Reviewed e.g. by Trunk, RabelsZ 85 (2021), p. 466-471
Januar-März 2018 Research stay at Law Faculty of the University of Cambridge. Project: “Estoppel in Russian Law.
2016-2018 Project: “Integration of Ukrainian Private Law into the European Area of Justice”, in cooperation with Research Institute for Private Law and Entrepreneurship of the National Academy of Law of the Ukraine, Kiev
Conference “Integration of Ukrainian Private Law into the European Area of Justice”, 12.12.2016, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg
Edited volume: "Ukrainian Private Law and the European Area of Justice", Ed. by Eugenia Kurzynsky-Singer and Rainer Kulms, 2019 Tübingen (Verlag Mohr Siebeck, Open Access)
Since 2012 Cooperative partnership with Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), Georgia
Joint conferences:
Conference „Private autonomy as a fundamental principle of civil law“, 1. - 2- November 2018, Tbilisi (Georgien), Conference volume ed. by Tamar Zarandia / Eugenia Kurzynsky-Singer (Hrsg.) was published 2020, Tbilisi
Conference „Ownership and the legal stability: Transforming the concept of ownership“, 5. - 6. November 2015 in Tiflis (Georgien), Conference volume, ed. by Tamar Zarandia/Eugenia Kurzynsky-Singer/Lia Shatberashvili published 2017, Tbilisi
Conference “The Development of Private Law in the Caucasus and Central Asia.
Joint research paper authored together with Georgian scholar Prof. Tamar Zarandia (currently the dean of the TSU Law Faculty):
Kurzynsky-Singer/Zarandia, Rezeption des deutschen Sachenrechts in Georgien, in: Eugenia Kurzynsky-Singer (Hg.), Transformation durch Rezeption? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Rechtstransfers am Beispiel der Zivilrechtsreformen im Kaukasus und in Zentralasien, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2014, 107 - 138 (free access via SSRN)
"Рецепция немецкого вещного права в Грузии“ [Rezeption des deutschen Sachenrechts in Georgien] (Kurzynsky-Singer / Zarandia, Вестник Гражданского права [Vestnik graždanskogo prava] 2012, Heft Nr. 1, S. 221-257)
2010-2012 Project sponsored by the Volkswagen Foundation, “Comparative Legal Research on Eurasian Law”, with a budget of 300,000 €. I developed and led the project, which included supervising the research work of 8 long-term scholarship recipients from Caucasus/Central Asia and heading a unit of 4 staff members
Edited volume: „Transformation durch Rezeption? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Rechtstransfers“, [“Transformation through Reception? – The Potential and Limits of Legal Transplants as Exemplified by the Civil Law Reforms in the Caucasus and in Central Asia”] 2014 Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck).
Papers in open access (via SSRN):
Projektband „Transformation durch Rezeption? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Rechtstransfers“, 2014 Tübingen (Mohr Siebeck).
Folgende Aufsätze sind in voller Länge bei SSRN verfügbar:
2007-2018 Organisation of a regular discussion forum on the legal, political and societal developments of post-Soviet countries at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
Professional affiliations:
PD Dr. Eugenia Kurzynsky-Singer
Expertise zum Recht im postsowjetischen Raum